Valandre Thor Sleeping Bag
per item
Total weight 2144g Down load/weight 1414g Goose 850 cu in + (US Normes)
Extreme: -46C (-50F)
Limit of comfort: -23C (10F)
Comfort:-15C (5F)
Please note these are conservative operating temperature figures when compared to other manufactures if you look at the weight of down in the bag. Ideal for Polar and High Altitude Expeditions. (L=200cm, M= 185cm, S=170cm) Rental cost £135 2 weeks
Extreme: -46C (-50F)
Limit of comfort: -23C (10F)
Comfort:-15C (5F)
Please note these are conservative operating temperature figures when compared to other manufactures if you look at the weight of down in the bag. Ideal for Polar and High Altitude Expeditions. (L=200cm, M= 185cm, S=170cm) Rental cost £135 2 weeks